Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Brand You Parking Lot Inspiration

I’m hearing questions with a common theme circulating through meetings and social networks around the ROHCG.
“How can the organization move forward in dealing with conflict and difficult interpersonal situations in the absence of a clear strategic plan?” In other words; “how can we find personal and professional fulfillment in a stressful work environment that contains only a vague and uncertain map of the future?”

There is one person at the ROMHC campus with the gumption to address that question, and he works in an office that barely affords him the room to sit down. Can you think of a more unattractive job than working in a parking lot booth? Let’s add the rumour that our parking lot will eliminate its human element and turn to automated ticket dispensers in the future.

“I love my job. I look forward to working here every day” says daytime attendant Clarel Varierre.

And for the past two months, he’s transformed his booth into the ROMHC Ottawa Senators Rally station, screaming, honking, and waving his flags, poms and signs to every car.

Without realizing it, Clarel is a model employee of the Tom Peters workplace phenomenon that he calls the “Brand You” era. Peters’ crusade is toward inspiring workers everywhere to break the shackles of corporate mediocrity and homogeneity, and to strive to brand their personal passions and aspirations into their jobs, without the tedious and disheartening process of selling up to management.

Tom’s credo is:
The work can be cool
The work can be beautiful
The work can be fun
The work can make a difference
YOU can make a difference
Take charge of your life
Subvert hierarchy
Make every project a wow!
Be distinct – or extinct

Clarel didn’t need a strategic plan before deciding he was going to put a smile on every drivers face as they arrived at work. And staff at the ROHCG may not require a strategic plan before feeling empowering to do the same – deliver great service with a smile. All that may be required is a little “Brand-You.”

The Brand You philosophy could be the key ingredient in times where you feel a void in strategic direction or team performance. If you want to know more about Brand You then give me a call and I'll connect you to the source.

Oh yes...
And we shouldn’t forget another admirable and non-strategic decision; by Carillion for letting Clarel be Clarel.