Friday, May 10, 2013

The Psychiatrist In The Courtroom: Live Webinar May 23, 2013

  Due to the audio problems experienced during the original live broadcast of this webinar on April 25, Dr. Brad Booth has kindly agreed to repeat this important presentation on Thursday May 23rd beginning at 3:30 EST.
  The regularly scheduled webinar, "Malpractice and Liability" with Dr. Dominique Bourget will be rescheduled at a date to be announced soon.

  The objectives for "The Psychiatrist In The Courtroom" are:

  • Learn basic law for psychiatrists and the Canadian legal system 
  • Be aware of the role of the psychiatrist in the court room 
  • Know related Canadian landmark cases 
  • Describe requirements of forensic assessment 
  • Utilize the essentials in forensic reports 

  Click here to register for this live webinar (required)