Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Royal's Family and Client Info-Support Education Sessions: Winter-Spring 2015

Although we have arranged the following roster of topics, questions unrelated to these particular subjects are welcome. Please note sessions are offered in ENGLISH only.

January 6            Getting to the Heart of the Issues. Join us for a discussion of concerns, stressors, and challenges of your role as primary care givers. 

January 20 & February 3  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - 2-part workshop. The first session will introduce CBT concepts, and we encourage you to bring pertinent situations to the second session for group discussion. This will be a practical workshop that can offer some skill-development for all! 

February 17      A Town Hall Meeting with Dr. Kate Huntington, Staff Psychiatrist in the Mood Disorders Program at The Royal. Dr. Huntington welcomes your questions and comments. Please join us! 

March 3       Support Resources for Families. As services for families expand, it can be difficult to keep track of them all! Representatives from community mental health resources for families will be with us to outline what is available and help you decide what type of support meets your current needs. Please join us!                                                                                                                                                                                                            

March 17     Workshop: Communication Skills. A skill-building session about how to communicate with loved ones,   especially when symptoms are present. Practical tips and strategies will be explored!

April 7          Workshop: Setting Boundaries & Limits. A skill-building sesssion about how to establish healthy boundaries in challenging situations. Practical tips and strategies will be explored!

April 21        Understanding the Mental Health Act. We are joined by the CTO Coordinator at The Royal  to walk us through various aspects of the MHA and what families need to know.

           May 5         Planning for the Future. We are joined by a lawyer from R.E.A.C.H. to review issues around Henson Trusts, Powers of Attorney, RDSPs, etc. Please join us for an informative and interesting discussion!

May 19         We will be joined by Dr. Sharman Robertson, Medical Director for the On Track First Episode Psychosis program.  We will have a discussion about the importance of early intervention, as well as the services the On Track program provides. Bring your questions! 

June 9          Emotion Regulation Skills. Join us for a discussion of how to support your loved one in managing challenging emotions. We will be joined by Ann-Marie O’Brien, MSW, RSW.   

June 23         Lived Experience. Family members and Clients speak about their different experiences with recovery and coping with mental illness. Come learn from their wisdom and share some of yours! 


Sandra Jacquens, MSW, RSW         613.722.6521 ext. 6861

Vanessa Morel, MSW, RSW            613.722.6521 ext. 6207

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

“Painting the invisible” with Sheldon Kennedy

The Royal is proud to welcome and present two Order of Canada Recipients on January 30th, 2015 in Ottawa. That's when our annual Mental Health - Nursing conference takes a look at "Trauma-Informed Care" featuring an afternoon of shared experiences by Sheldon and renowned Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. John Bradford.


Sheldon Kennedy has been a star; a hockey icon who got to live out the childhood dream of many young Canadians: to play in the NHL. He has also been through dark times when his life was consumed by drugs and alcohol; he has spent time in prison and in a mental health hospital. Like many of the patients we encounter as caregivers, Sheldon’s challenges were rooted in experiences from his past. In his youth, Sheldon suffered sexual abuse and that has influenced the path of his life every day since.

Sheldon knows that countless people across Canada have experienced trauma. Although the experience may leave no visible scars, the effects of trauma can permeate into every aspect of an individual’s life - health, education, social and familial relationships, and interactions with the law. As healthcare professionals, it is crucial that we draw context from these experiences when we evaluate and treat our clients. As Sheldon puts it, “we must find a way to paint the invisible”. This is the essence of trauma-informed care.

On January 30th, at The Royal’s 10th annual Ivy Dunn Nursing Conference, Sheldon will share how trauma has impacted his life, how he recovered to become a passionate advocate for the issues surrounding child abuse, and why it is so important for caregivers to take trauma into consideration in the delivery of mental health care.

Joining Sheldon will be Dr. John Bradford, internationally recognized forensic psychiatrist and Order of Canada recipient, who will provide insight into resilience and the role of healthcare professionals from the perspective of both caregiver and patient. Register now for the Ivy Dunn Nursing Conference to share perspectives with those who have experienced trauma first-hand as well experts in the treatment of trauma. You will leave the day with a deeper understanding of trauma-informed care as well as concrete strategies you can use to promote post-traumatic growth and recovery for the people in your care.

Join Sheldon and special guest Dr. John Bradford in Ottawa January 30, 2015 - click here.