Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Movie Magic at Symposium 2007

A mental health symposium held in a motion picture theatre; at a glance it seems like a bizarre venue for such an event.

Logistically it is proving to be very unorthodox, but we can't let the frustration of planning and organizing the event prevail upon our vision for Symposium 2007. As I reflected on this upcoming event while relaxing during the March break there was an irony that I find absolutely beautiful.

When we resume our lives at the end of a working day, we may find ourselves visiting the Cineplex Odeon or any other movie venue in the region prepared to totally suspend our judgements and beliefs. We hand over our imaginations to the Hollywood industry. We open our minds to infinite possibilities the moment we enter the theatre.

Is this also the case when we enter the Associates-in-Psychiatry Auditorium or any other health care learning venue during a clinical working day?

It appears that in this context our staff enter the learning venue with their beliefs, values, and expectations very pre-determined. They want evidence. They want data. They map what they see and hear to their own clinical reality.

Which context do we hope for with this first annual Symposium on Mental Health research and care?

I’m hoping our guests enter the Cineplex Odeon with the same desire to hope and dream as they would if they were watching “A Beautiful Mind”, “Awakenings”, or any other movie where Mental Illness is the villain, and we all represent the good guys fighting to prevail against all odds.

This Symposium is about bringing people together in the fight against mental illness. Let’s take advantage of this venue-of-the-imagination to picture a happy ending for all the people we serve.

Pass the popcorn.

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