Monday, November 12, 2007

Forum Hot Topics Deserve an Action Plan

We asked our staff to contribute their burning topics for staff forums and we should honour their efforts.

The response to this OREO Survey poll was terrific, and contained a few surprises in my opinion - but that's the beautiful thing about surveys; they check your perceived reality with the reality of the group. Hopefully this results in better decisions.

Here are the list of survey topic suggestions. The only modifications that have been made are the occassional spelling and grammar corrections. If the process works then you should witness better informing on many of the following issues:

· The state of our corporate finances and the decisions being made around our financial state (e.g. job freezes, slow hires, operating and capital budgets) Finances of hospital
· I think the staff forums have been doing a good job at addressing different issues each time.
· Strategic direction and focus of the Leadership Team
· Budget plans, program/staff changes; personal safety, parking updates; on site relationships with THICC,Carillion,Montfort
· Anything that is relevant to our day to day work requirements.
· Safety in the workplace. Is the staff to patient ratio truly correct?
· community integration efforts
· The budget. Exactly what is the deficit and where has it been incurred? Why are we funding IMHR when clinical services are suffering? Why as a centre of excellence do we now have no education coordinators, no clinician in learning and development and no funding for staff education?
· use of Zen gardens by staff, more security staff available
· Contract Negotiations
· Malfunction, safety and security on units
· risks that were identified post move
· More open communication on current issues/ changes, and impacts.
· Not enough places to meet with patients on the units.
· OPSEU Negotiations as a STANDING ITEM
· Hold sessions more often. Including a session re.budget issues - ROP, ROHCG, IMHR, Brockville
· Attitude among staff/ lack of respect for management/ poor work ethic
· Any changes, youth program move update, cutbacks etc
· Updates on changes throughout the hospital with respect to new roles, new leadership, etc.
· Focus on accomplishments, applaud initiatives, congratulate teams for their efforts, status of financial situation, status of facilities (e.g. Youth wing, wireless network, parking, plumbing, rental office space), introduction of new organizational initiatives, updates to organization chart and status of filling vacancies
· Perhaps at the next BMHC forum you can mention the giving tree and encourage people to grab a tag
· Communication throughout the Hospital
· Budget, future directions, youth program direction
· Continue to update us in changes in the organization as they occur
· Issues happening at the hospital, ex: phone, computer, budget, morale, etc.
· financial status and it's implication on services and personnel
· Staffing; budget and finance; IM update; Construction;
· More discussion on financial issues, as well as planned changes.
· The inappropriateness of using the hospital wide email to discuss personal views- Peter Youell's blog seems like a great democratic alternative for discussions
· Issues that have been raised in past forum - provide what have been taken care of.
· update on wireless, updates on Brockville's future
· Occupational Health - the importance of reporting incidents and proper procedure for doing so.
· There are different issues affecting various programs/areas in the organization, though it is unreasonable address all in a forum, it would be nice to see someone take ownership of some of the issues similar to what Bill Gillis has addressed with IT issues.
· Why it takes management so long to sign a collective agreement with opseu?
· leadership changes; budgets staff morale
· IT
· Transfer of EGU to BGH?
· transparency when a "rumor" hits the email - have management step up and clarify rather than just letting it run
· IS / Construction status / Executive Team updates
· What is the management philosophy?
· Ask regular staff for suggestions to get rid of the budget deficit.
· Results and actions on healthy workplace initiatives
· budget / IM / construction
· Settlements of past union issues/retro pay. Future of Elmgrove Inpatient and services.
· Patient Safety issues; organizational structure; accreditation
· We need to know in which direction this hospital is going, where the "leadership" team wishes to go. We need much more transparency from upper management. The staff of this institution will always pull together if they believe that management is being straight with them, i.e. budget deficits etc. We don't appreciate being treated like "mushrooms".
· The direction of the Leadership Team.
· Updates on changes (i.e., policy changes), various problems, lay-offs.
· Changes in management, staffing, patient care
· The most important will be the forum where the new budget will be presented and hopefully we are given a clear idea of how this will affect services and jobs. The most important topic after that happens will be the presentation of a clear mandate for this facility. An explanation of which services we will continue to provide to the community and which services will be provided elsewhere. I think for the sake of consistency and smooth operation and transition we all need to know what services we can offer. This needs to be accompanied by a written statement from the leadership team. This should be posted on our external and internal web site so that those looking for services will not be misinformed or mislead. As it now stands there are too many different answers being given by different departments and individuals resulting in general confusion? I was told that our mandate and those of the community partners and other hospitals still have to be agreed upon. However, if this agreement is not forthcoming soon (and we have been waiting over 6 years for this agreement) then perhaps this facility needs to state publicly what we in fact do and what we cannot do and that needs to be conveyed in a consistent manner. Therefore this needs to be dealt with at an open forum. We all need to be provided with a written copy that we can then distribute to those (e.g. physicians' offices) who require our services...
· Deficit implications. Knowing even when we might have news about this.
· regular construction updates
· A well defined outline of the future direction of this institution i.e.: program or service cuts, ambulatory care to continue in all programs currently having outpatient services or not, PCOB where is this at, Code White policy under patient safety umbrella - where are we with this, The LHINs are starting up now - what kinds of linkages do we have with these boards and what kinds of services are we negotiating, discussion around difficulties with the current psychiatric emergency services, transferring of outpatients in crisis to the Ottawa Hospital, wait times, how transferring agencies feel about the process, the "lip" we get from police and ambulance personnel who respond, what is our hospital doing to resolve these difficulties. What is happening with the ROP, the real truth and nothing but the truth, what is going on with IMHR, is it as the rumor mill says all smoke and glass without substance, and the foundation "where has all the money gone" long time passing. Why are people bailing left right and centre and why capable people are being dismissed? We could go on for ever.
· More info on support systems re: hospital wide phones etc.
· would prefer to hear from administration i.e. changes, developments etc
· budget/staffing, service cuts
· policy changes, upcoming events
· the new LHIN system, its impact on us at BMHC, update the federal interest on us
· Budget, ROHCG restructuring
· Any nursing issues
· Updates on the status of Royal Ottawa Place
· Provide as much information to staff as possible.
· Follow-up to the IS situation / Board of Trustees and new Interim leadership plans
· Where are we going -what's the game plan? Who are the players? what are the strategies to win the game of providing mental health and well being for all
· Need reports of ongoing issues being resolved, for example, coat hooks and boot trays!
· good news - make it up if you have to (just kidding)
· Same comments as the previous survey that was distributed on this topic
· how we are advocating for more services and access for people with mental health issues
· Address all changes. Let changes be known to us if they're not obvious. Review previous concerns brought to Leadership Team so staff know what has been dealt with and how, and why not if not.
· Budget issues and implications discussed in an open and transparent manner
· LHINS and how it will impact us.
· Vision of where the organization is going as a regional, specialized provider
· Any urgent issues at the time
· Corporate Culture improvement
· staff safety issues/pt assaults
· patient safety and staffing concerns-- budget management and possible lay offs
· Safety/security/budget issues re. Hospital


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