Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Young Employees Choose Companies Accepting Social Media

 If you are an employer recruiting the top talent in the under 30 demographic, Canadian HR Reporter warns you to be open-minded when it comes to corporate Social Media policies.

  An international survey of job market students and employees under 30 identified a strong trend that recruiters should be aware of - full day connectivity through social media and mobile devices will attract the the best prospects from this competitive sector of the talent pool.

  According to the CTO of Cisco Canada, "young Canadians in particular, have become increasingly attached to mobile devices, and the ability to access content anywhere, anytime for social and business reasons."

  Nearly a third of those surveyed claim to value devices and connectivity more than financial reward, saying they would prefer a lower-paying job with social and networking flexibility. Many also stated that they wouldn't work for an employer who bans social media.


  Building Healthier Workplaces 2012 recognize the impact social media and mobile devices are having on the workplace, and we're thrilled to have Lisa Larter, an acclaimed expert and consultant on Social Media join our presentation team on October 25 at Carleton University. Proceeds from this event will once again be donated to the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health.

As per our Social Media policy - the opinions and comments in this article represent those of the author and should not be considered representative of The Royal.

Women In Mind 2012 Guest Speaker

  One of the highlights of our Professional Development Conference Series at The Royal is the Women In Mind event held annually each fall. Our first event in 2011 at the new Ottawa Congress Centre was a great success.

  This year's event is begins in the evening of November 1st and continues for a full conference on November 2nd. It takes place at the Hampton Inn in Ottawa, where we enjoyed a terrific Building Healthier Workplaces Conference recently.

  Registration opens very soon, but we're thrilled to announce some of our guests for Women In Mind 2012, beginning with Dr. Donna Stewart who was recently honoured by the Mood Association of Ontario. She will present on Mood Disorders in Women on November 2nd.

2012 Hope Inspiration Award – Dr. Donna Stewart

  Dr. Donna Stewart is the Director of Women's Health, Senior Scientist at the University Health Network and a University Professor at the University of Toronto. Her research in the mental health field has looked at depression across the life cycle, psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology, as well as the psychological aspects of physical illness. She is a consultant to the World Health Organization, Past President of the International Association for Women's Mental Health and Past Chair of the Section of Women's Mental Health of the World Psychiatric Association.

  Her work also addresses violence against women in Canadian and immigrant women. She has conducted research on public health and policy aspects of women's health (antenatal and postpartum care, violence, trafficking, drug safety and international health) which have had a major impact on public policy.

  Dr. Stewart is associate editor of four medical journals, and deputy-editor of the American Psychiatric Publishing Incorporated. She is the author of more than 300 scientific papers and five books on women's health.

As per our Social Media policy - the opinions and comments in this article represent those of the author and should not be considered representative of The Royal.