Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 2015 National Recovery Month

Celebrate Recovery
 September serves as a month to educate people on the advancements of treatments for individuals with addiction and mental health issues.

 It is also a time for us to recognize the gains that have been made by people who live in recovery. Just as we recognize those managing other conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or a physical ailment, this month is dedicated to bringing awareness to the ‘positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover’(NCADD, 2015).

 We asked some mental health staff and clients what their understanding of living in recovery is. You may be interested to hear what they had to say:
 'Living in recovery is a long process…All the work to get to this place is done by yourself; only you are responsible. Recovery is part of rehabilitation.' Client perspective
"Living in recovery is really living while acknowledging the fact you need some extra help. We could all use some extra help. It is essential to acknowledge that some mental health issues may be a lifelong process and we must help people who are in recovery to develop a sense of empowerment and confidence." Staff perspective 
There are millions of people living in recovery. September is about getting out there and educating others about recovery.
Join us in celebrating National Recovery Month everyone!

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