Monday, January 29, 2018

My Mission at #ATA18: Develop New Lenses for Telemedicine's Future

 At this stage of my career, legacy is important to me as I try to shape Telemedicine applied to mental health one last time - for my great team at work, and for my daughter who may be able to do far more with her skills than she can imagine.

 I've worked in Telemedicine for over 20 years and in that respect I can't really say what iteration of Telemedicine we are working in today; TeleV2, TeleV3, TeleV7?  What I do feel is that every five years the advances in technology combined with healthcare's openness to care beyond the traditional settings seem to change the nature of this work.

 So when I attend an event like the American Telemedicine Association's annual symposium (ATA2018), my mission is to look for patterns and trends that will shape this industry in five years from now. By that time I hope to see my daughter, a young woman with aspirations in the field of Psychology, leveraging technology for care. That hits home for me because I got involved in Telemedicine around the time of her birth in the mid-90's.

  Are you heading to #ATA18 with an eye on the future of #Telemedicine #Telehealth? I look forward to all conversations on the future of this great advancement in healthcare!

As per our blog policy - the opinions and comments in this article represent those of the author and should not be considered representative of the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group.

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